Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fools Love

Sloppy love made in hast with shattered wings
My hearts hollow to beat, withered contempt
Impatient by the deep misery love now brings
When desires are high but love exempt
Emotions lacking sense, naked, humped dry
Still holding on to a feeble beating
Like sparks fading on the 4th of July
What once was affection is now fleeting
Desire simplicity of the soul
Confide in reflection, fulfilling self
All companionship combats for control
New affections to place on your trophy shelf

Though hearts are gentle and clumsily fall
Love does not make a fool of us all

Friday, June 17, 2011

Super Villainy

How often can someone say they’re a Super Villain? Very few, and I’m one of them. My names Kevin, but the villain title given to me by the Evil League of Evil is Dr. Catastrophe. Strikes some fear into the heart, don’t it? I came from a very long line of super villains. I mainly focus in the Mad Science department; you know building giant robots and creating laser beams that harness the power of the sun. My Pops or “Sinister Fist” was more the specialized fighter type, you know, a master of karate, with all that flipping, kicking, punching, craziness that you see in all the comics. His costume was even Spandex! I was sort of the first person in the family to take on the science gig, mostly ‘cause all the men on my dad’s side were born lifting weights and kicking ass. But I’m the exception.
I remember when I was about twelve years old and it was right near Christmas, I had asked my mom for the science kit I’d seen in the back of one of my Jr. Villain comic books. Those books were the best, ‘cause the villain always won in the end instead of having a stupid superhero come along and mess it up. My mom told me that if I did well in school that I would be getting whatever I wanted. So all of December I studied really hard, I even entered a science fair and I would have won first prize... if my robot hadn’t attacked the judges. Finally our progress reports came out just before Christmas break. I had straight As, so of course I knew that I would get the science kit. What I didn’t know was how much trouble it would cause.

It was Christmas morning and I had woken up hours before my parents to run down and check outall of the presents and to see which one was my science kit. I rummaged through the piles of wrapping paper with Snowmen and Santa on them and eventually found one the I could feel had a handle attached to it. I knew that had to be it, I took it out from all the other boxes and placed it out in front, so that my mom would pick it first for me to open. Then I went and sat in the television room and watched Christmas cartoons till I heard feet walking down the stairs. It was my mother.
“Can I open one now please? I’ve been waiting for you for ever!”
“Just wait, your father will be down in a second, and then you can open a gift,” said my mother. She was always so kind, and sometimes I wondered why she had married a super villain. My dad was nice, but not without his obvious flaws: the late nights, the arch enemies, and the… the constant need to take over the world. But it seems that my mom was able to over look all of that. Eventually, my dad came downstairs in his silk housecoat, muscles bulging from every opening. The coat had a big Gold S and F embroidered on the breast.
“Merry Christmas family,” he said as he walked down the stairs.
“And how is my boy today? Are you excited?” Not pausing for me to answer, he went on. “Well you better be, I got you a little something special this year.” As he said this he picked up a badly wrapped box from the pile. It was obvious my father had wrapped it himself. He forced it into my chest almost knocking me down in the process.
“Open it up now! I want to see the look on your face. Open it!”
I had never seen my dad so excited. He had a smile so big it would make anyone question if this guy was a super villain, or running for the governor of California. I ripped open the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a black spandex suit, on the back it said “Junior Fist” in large gold letters, and on the front it had the Sinister Fist logo of a fist smashing earth. I was surprised, but disappointed. This isn’t what I wanted. Sure, maybe I was being a bit ungrateful, but I was twelve and the son of a super villain, so excuse me if I didn’t have the greatest manners. My dad could see right away the disappointment in my face,
“What is it? Not the color you wanted? I thought you’d want to match your old man! And if it’s the name, we can see about getting that changed.”
I held it back, I knew the science kit would be next and it would make everything better. I was sure of that.
“No, I love it dad. It’s great. All the guys are going to think its awesome!” I said, faking enjoyment by raising my voice. It was enough and my dad gave me a strong pat on the back. The gift giving continued. First, a big yellow sweater sent from my Aunt in Canada who sends me a sweater every year. Then, a pair of night vision goggles from Uncle Mysterio. And then, at last, it was in my hands. I held the box, wrapped in smiling Snowmen, and ripped it open without a pause. There it was in all its glory.
“Junior Villainy Science Kit”
“World Domination for the Junior Villain!”
“Ages 10-16”
Instantly, I was overwhelmed with joy. It burst out of me with such force that I shot up screaming and yelling. I danced around like those kids on America’s Funniest Home Videos until my dad’s booming voice stopped me.
“A science kit?! No, no, no! Not for my son!”
“Stu, he asked me for it months ago, and he did so well in school this term,” said my mom, trying to compromise with him. But it was no use, his face began to get red.
“Oh and what? Have my son grow up to be some geek mad scientist that gets his ass kicked by any guy in a pair of tights? You know what we say about guys like that down at the League... they’re a laughing stock! Half of their so-called “inventions” don’t even work and end up blowing up in their faces. That is not going to be my son, god damn it!” y dad always had a bit of an ego to him. Even when talking to me, it was sometimes like he meant to intimidate me. This had cut deep.
“Sorry I don’t want to run around like a brute kicking and punching anything that moves! Sorry, I don’t want to be an idiot like you!” I screamed in his face with all my might, and when the last words had left my mouth, I ran. I ran back up the stairs and into my room slamming the door behind me. I jumped underneath my covers and tried to hold back the tears that seemed to stab through my eyes involuntarily like pins. I was too old to cry and this fact made me feel even more pathetic than I already did from my father’s speech. I sat underneath my covers for what seemed like hours, waiting for something to happen. I had never yelled at my dad like that before and didn’t know what would happen, but eventually I heard my door open and I peeked my head out from the blankets. It was my mother.
“That wasn’t very nice what you said to your father downstairs. I know you don’t agree with him all the time, but that’s just part of growing up with a super villain as a father.”
Her words calmed me down but didn’t take away the hatred I still felt for my father.
“But, he’s an idiot who can’t appreciate the power of science. It makes me so angry. He’s just like everyone else out there that makes fun of me. He just doesn’t understand me!”
“Kevin, don’t you think you’re father felt the same way? He hated his father too, that’s why he became a super villain. He used that hatred to fuel his career and so can you my son.” And with that my mom sat up from the bed and walked out of the room.
After that Christmas my father and I didn’t talk very much. I just worked day and night with my junior science kit, making mini robots with lasers for eyes, and whipping up batches of acid that could eat through vault doors. I did all this while my dad was out beating up guards and stealing priceless diamonds. Science became my obsession, and my hatred for those fools who cannot understand and accept it provoked me. Today I am Dr. Catastrophe and the world trembles at my name. But all I can think is, “wouldn’t dad be proud?”.