Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sometimes I wonder whether or not it is hypocritical for someone to hate life, and yet still live it, I mean it’s impossible to judge if life is by choice or not, because who is to say I ever wanted to be born in the first place. We all know how babies are made and understand the sperm race that ensues after, so what are all those little sperms thinking? How great would it be if they got a date for the sperm dance tonight? Or hoping that they get that project done for the class tomorrow? Well, of course that not what they’re thinking, at least not yet give it nine months and about seventeen years that’s about the time when you start to think that big race you ran, wasn’t quite worth it. I Wake up every day at 6, get nagged by the two people who decided it would be a good idea to bring me into this world, walk out into the cold morning and stand at a bus stop with a couple of other people who are slaves to a similar system, and then once the bus arrives I hop on, pay my money, and get my daily drive to school.

School is what every single child dreads. It strips you of all the innocence and ignorance that makes childhood one of the most enjoyable stages of life. The age old dispute of “ignorance is bliss” comes into my mind constantly as I sit in my English class, peering out the window at the park below, I see all the small children playing in the sand, not a worry or care in the world. It’s as if the “meaning of life” means so little to them. Like the whole reason of our labouring society is pointless in its endeavours to educate, and progress forward into the future. If only god had made us all our own individual remotes for our own little worlds, just so every once and a while we could press pause, and just enjoy life instead of just constantly living it. As I sit here listening to the teacher go on about the proper way to cite work for in MLA format, I wonder why we are persistently trying to make the processes of life and society more convoluted.

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