Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Consumtion In an Age of Decline

Consume till you die and then leave your family some money. They can consume some more until they die, it`s only fair, don’t be selfish!

Why live off the land when we have Snuggies and Magic Bullets.

Five easy payments and seven deadly sins

Wrap your life up in bubble wrap and ship it to your front door, sign for it, now don’t you feel better?

Uh oh! Version 2.0 came out and it`s a hot item,

Hop in your car made in the country you can’t pronounce and fill it full of all the life`s lost for your trip and then call it just.

Bring yourself to tear of joy when Jesus was born because you got a Wii

Huxley saw it coming but we enjoy it too much

This is the grave we dug and the choice we made

Drown yourself in the useless shit that brings you those sparks of life

Tell yourself you’re different `cause the clothes you wear are urban

You live in the city but you live in its sin

The billboards, the buses, the drinks, telling you what to buy next when will we run out, when will we have it all, when will enough be enough, or is there such thing

Do we live to consume and consume to live?

Is this vicious circle the circle of life?

So many questions and so few answers in a world where down is the new up

It’s hard to find time to stop and just smell the roses when it costs 5 dollars a rose

If you`re rich come on in; private education for you

Advantage for the strong and obstacle courses for the weak

Bring me justice in a paper bag and tell me about lives lost and life`s cost

Because the wars we wage are just and the men who wage them are right

Change of course in God`s great plan; 50% and bring your coupons

St. Peter can validate your parking at the Pearly Gates

Cause heaven`s not a place you go when you die, it’s a place you go when you want to buy.

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